Creating a CodeFactory Project
This section will explains how to use the CodeFactory SDK. In this walk-through we will focus on the following topics:
- How to create a CodeFactory project
- Understanding how NuGet packages are loaded for CodeFactory
- How to create a CodeFactory command
- How to format a CodeFactory command
- How to consume data from the CodeFactory Framework
- How to create a user interface and display data using CodeFactory
Prequisites: Please confirm the following prior to getting started with this guidance:
- You are using Visual Studio 2022 on Windows (Visual Studio on Mac is not currently supported).
- You have installed CodeFactory for Visual Studio and have activated CodeFactory with a license key.
- You have installed the CodeFactory SDK.
This walk-through is grouped into logical exercises which address each of the guidance topics listed above.
Part One - Creating a Project
In the first part of the guidance, we will create a project and get it ready to build automation.
This will focus on the following:
- How to create a CodeFactory project
- Understanding how NuGet packages are loaded for CodeFactory
- How to create a CodeFactory command
Part Two - Automate Project Information
In the second part, we will gather & display information about a Visual Studio project for the Visual Studio user.
This will focus on the following:
- How to format a CodeFactory command
- How to consume data from the CodeFactory Framework
- How to create a user interface and display data from CodeFactory